Body Sculpting or Contouring is a technique that is non-surgical and focuses on the destruction of fat cells permanently removing them from the body. We have invested in the best technologies to bring our clients the results they seek. Targeting those hard to conquer zones where people struggle to see results. Serving all of Kootenai County, Idaho we are fully mobile and can bring our services to your location rather than you come to us. Creating confidence in both the non-surgical procedure and your personal results.
Stay Where You Are, We Come To You:
Some Of Our Services:
Non-Surgical Butt Lifts
Ultrasonic Cavitation
Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation
Light Lipo Laser Treatments
RF Therapy
Non Evasive BBL
Cellulite Reduction
RF Face Lift
RF Vacuum Therapy
In the world of noninvasive procedures, body sculpting is one of the most reliable forms of getting results in ways that sometimes diet and nutrition can fall short. There are those pesky parts of our bodies that we tend to have issues removing fat cells and toning. Lipolysis is a nonsurgical option that incorporates cold, heat, lasers and other methods to isolate fat and allow it to be processed and released out of the body. In addition, some of the treatments can stimulate muscle growth, promote muscle repair and skin tightening after weight loss also reduce affects of aging.
Monday - Friday
10am - 6pm
Saturday &Sunday
By Special Appointment Only